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Home :: Bipods, Monopods and Accessories :: Atlas Bipod Cleats

Atlas Bipod Cleats

Atlas Bipod Cleats
(1 reviews)  

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7.00 oz
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Easily installed with the press of a stainless steel plunger, the cleats deliver a fully articulated aggressive foot to support the bipod.
Available in black only. 
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Average customer rating:
(1 reviews)  

1 Most useful customer reviews (see all reviews):
robert cunningham
Jan 14, 2015
im very impressed with my atlas bipod and its accessories. very well made and will purchase again soon for my second and current build. theres your typical garbage bipods that you can waste you money on and yes iv fallen victim to those companies and there is other bipod companies that have big names but im not that impressed with their products either they have there limitations and or are very bulky. atlas has done a very good job. this is no armchair review this is actual real world usage from someone that has and is very familiar with weaponry. for the money you wont be disappointed.