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Home :: Tikka :: Tikka T3 Parts

Tikka T3 Parts


Tikka T3 / T3x Striker Spring Kit
(1 reviews)  

Experiencing light primer strikes or a complete failure to fire cartridges? Already tried different brands of factory ammunition? Already tried reloading with different primers?

Then the Lumley Arms Striker Spring Kit is for you. 


Tikka T3 T3x T1x Bedding Kit
(0 reviews)  

This is quite simply the cheapest improvement you can make to your Tikka T3, T3x, and T1x to improve the accuracy potential of these great rifles.


Tikka T3/T3x Arctic DBM by Lumley
(0 reviews)  

Finally, a high-quality drop in bottom metal replacement for the original plastic version at a very competitive price.



Tikka T3/T3x DBM by Lumley
(5 reviews)  

Finally, a high-quality drop in bottom metal replacement for the original plastic version at a very competitive price.



Tikka T3/T3x DBM for AICS Magazines CTR Inlet by Lumley
(1 reviews)  

A high-quality DBM that accepts all short action AICS pattern magazines utilizing the Tikka T3/ T3x CTR bottom metal inlet and sharing the same factory CTR appearance.

